Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Constantly Changing.

The last year has been about finding our feet, in a new house, a new town and a whole new way of life.  I could not have asked for a more beautiful place to live. We only have to step out the door and we have the vast expanse of moorland. It's crags and undulations, have so many identities. You can see the change in their character, as the weather changes. Only a fool would (or maybe just someone who has not spent to much time reading novels) venture on to the moors in the dull foreboding mists. Yet the sunshine brings a whole new sense of freedom, and when you are up the top you feel like you can conquer the world. The same place, yet so many different ways of being seen. They are never the same and there is always something new to see.

We are born, we remain the same person, yet we change so much over time. I am hardly a baby faced little child any more. I like the moors have been weather beaten over time. I can not even claim to be the same as I was at the beginning of last year. 

It is hard then to imagine God. God is a constant, he does not change or evolve, neither something or nothing, he just is. Such consistency is an alien concept to us. We are continuously searching, moving and forming ourselves and others. What would it be like to stop, stand still and say right now I am the best I am ever going to be. It is different for us though, we are not God, we are not perfect. 

Even if I were to say, this is it, this is me. Life would keep happening to me and I would keep changing. It is a process which I am powerless to stop, but I can control the direction. 

 When we come to spend time with God we turn to a place that resembles him.When we enter into a Church, it is beautiful, quiet, unobtrusive and still. We are searching for a small break from the transient life we lead, we are searching for the consistency that gives our lives a rock on which to secure that life. In finding God, we find our foundation stone. Life can and will throw all it has at us, but we can find in our hearts that quiet still voice that guides us through. We find God, he is there through the changing weathers, the forming of civilisations and the creation of lives. He is, was and ever shall be.

I may not be the same next year to this, but I will still have my faith in God. Find time to find God, for amidst the wildest storms, tearing rains and darkest fogs, he will find you.

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