Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Wishes

The other week we went walking in the grounds of a beautiful abbey. Well I say "WE", my husband and children went walking, me and my bad knee had hot chocolate in the cafe. After they had come back from searching high and low for the clues in the Advent trail. They joined me for a drink.  Each of them had been given a little tag. On this tag they were expected to write their wish and tie it to the wish tree.  Ours duly made their wishes, and we tied on them on the tree. Hidden among the plentiful wishes for toys and snow, were wishes for things that moved me to tears. Wishes that were not superficial, wishes that deserved to be granted. Wishes for fathers, brothers, sisters to come back. Wishes for people to get better. These children bypassing the the mass media hype for possessions, have a far more genuine need to wish for this Christmas.

At Christmas you are bombarded with images of happiness, joy and perfect families. It is easy to get caught up and forget that many people need and want only "hope".  Hope that life we will be better, families mended, that sickness will be cured, that relatives are safe in heaven and of somewhere safe and warm to sleep and eat.  Many more still mask their internal pain and struggles behind their false smiles of "joy", praying that someone might notice their conflict and help.

Walking many miles to a town they barely knew there was a couple and a donkey. The lady heavily pregnant. They walked the path in the hope of compassion, food and lodgings. All alone, this young couple had no idea if their prayers would be answered. They knocked in hope and were turned away. They did not give in, they persisted in knocking until someone answered. It was not much this person gave them that night but it was enough.

How many people will be knocking on the doors around us this Christmas and will we notice them, will we answer them?

Christmas is about joy, happiness and rejoicing. This young couple were overjoyed with the gift they had that night. The gift of a small baby boy that gave again with the gift of a family. This wonderful icon of Christian life given to us that night, gave more than joy. It gave us hope.

This little tiny boy who lights up the darkest of lives, gave us hope. Hope for a future, no matter how we despair or suffer. This Christmas I wish for hope. Hoping I might be a better person, that I may be the inn that opens it's door and says "YES". Hoping that I might touch the lives of others in a positive way. Hoping that I find a stronger faith in the gift that is given this year. Hope that I will not forget to remember among all the happiness that others suffer.

We should open our hearts to hopeful happiness when we receive Christ on Thursday morning. That we start with welcoming this infant child and grow with him throughout this year.

To all of you who read this blog, may you have a very Happy Christmas, may your day be filled with blessings.

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