Friday, November 28, 2014

Lightening bolts on Black Friday

There are events in our lives that change us forever. Small moments, that mean we can not go back or even step sideways, we have to go with the flow. They are often events that are unplanned and strike us much like a bolt of lightening. We are left stunned for a moment, then we move into acceptance.
We find the people we will spend our lives with, we will give life to a new human being, we will find something new to do with our lives. Seconds or minutes of our lives that give us a blessing we are thankful for for the rest of our lives. They are not possessions and they can not be bought, yet they have more value than anything you can buy.

Today we have seen stories of fighting for Black Friday deals. People brought down to animal levels to save a few pounds off of a possession.  What makes us willing to scrap over a tv, a computer and toys and yet give up so easily when it comes to fighting for what is right. There is nothing right about fighting another human being for a possession, when there are people who are starving, when people live in fear and can not go home.

Somewhere along the line we decided that owning lots of possessions was what made us someone. We turned ourselves into our computers and stopped talking. We started to believe that self was more important than community.

When Jesus came, he did not come to one but to all. All who wanted to stop and listen. Maybe we should stop and listen. Listen to the disaster that is coming because we can not see beyond ourselves and our needs. Lightening strikes, it changes lives. Maybe we can be a lightening strike in someone's life and make a difference.

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