Tuesday, January 7, 2014

"Do not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified."

Christmas has been spent around Churches full to bursting with people, people who are happy with the language and liturgy we have. People who want us to see the poverty and act on it, see the suffering in society and help and see the community and grow it in Christ. We have yet again made ourselves a laughing stock among the public.They do not care in particular what language we use for our Baptism, those who are going to come, come already. With proper Baptism prep they can understand the promises they make without the need for change. This is a change for changes sake, because as a Church we are ashamed of who and what we are. We think we have an image problem, and we do. However trying to change our image by changing liturgy, arguing over internal politics and changing our teachings, does not improve our public profile. In fact, I think it has the reverse effect.

We lose respect because we have no clear teaching, no clear leadership, after all we even argue about how our Clergy should dress. Out there is a world waiting for the Incarnational Christ to touch their lives. We should be the ones taking him out and changing those lives. The teachings and traditions of our Church should evolve with the times, yes. However, change to suit the times, no. Take priority over mission and evangelism, no. It may mean we suffer for our views and opinions, but Christ suffered for us. But changing what is the only constants we have and what the unchurched look for in a Church means that our mission and evangelism are harmed not enhanced. When people are looking for help from the Church they look for a Priest in a black shirt and a white collar, a Church in their community and a Eucharist on a Sunday. These are the identity of the Church in society and consequentially what people look for in a time of need, that time when they are searching for Christ to touch their lives.

We need to learn not to be ashamed of what we are, stop in our tracks and take out Christs'
love in our lives and share it with those who do not have it. Time, friendship, charity , patience and presence. Take these and people will realize that finding God is about bringing love and hope to those that have none. When we have done this, they will come through our doors. They will then engage, learn and understand our liturgy, without the need to change who and what we are.

Today "Do not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ Crucified", renounce sin and submit your lives to Christ. Live out the vows that were made at your Baptism and renewed at your Confirmation. Carry on the spirit of Christmastide for the rest of the year in living a life in the image of Christ incarnate.

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